Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be My Valentine

I have a confession to make- I freaking LOVE Valentine's Day! It's my favorite cheesy holiday, what's not to love? It is in my nature to love things that are sweet, romantic, and full of pink and hearts, candy and chocolate. It's everything I enjoy rolled into one gloriously commercialized holiday.

This year I had way too much fun making my own handmade valentines, and this one is probably my favorite!

My lovely valentine sent me two dozen gorgeous roses to my office on Tuesday, so that I would have more days to enjoy them at my desk! They definitely brightened up my week along with my cubicle.

Hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day!


  1. Love it!! I'm wearing a hot pink blazer for V-Day too :) Such cute snapshots!

  2. Oooh very cute Rosa! Love the pink and the chevron. What a sweet and thoughtful Valentine you have!

  3. I love the roses, the colors are so much better than the traditional red.

  4. love your outfit today - and your handmade valentines are just too cute!

  5. Oh you're one of those evil people who leaves bowls of treats at their desk to tempt the weak-willed like myself, hehe. I used to be one of those people myself until I started consuming more candy than I was giving away!
    That's a fantastic v-day card!

  6. First of all, thank you so much for including me on your blog roll, Rosa. That was very kind of you! xoxo

    Secondly, I love that chevron dress on you.

    And lastly, your heartmade Valentine is the sweetest (:
